Chair for Drug Formulation and Delivery


We congratulate Tobias for his publication in ACS Biomaterials resulting from his coop with Dr. Wimschneider and Prof. Brehm from the University of Erlangen! The publication covers unorthodox approaches leading to easy to handle and distribute diagnostics - a feature particularly interesting in our current days! The contribution was selected for "Editor's choice" and is available free of charge on the ACS homepage.


Visualizing biodistribution pattern of PEGylated FGF-2 in vivo - Congratulations to Tessa and Marcus, who published in vivo performances of novel FGF-2 bioconjugates together with partners from the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland.


News regarding the effect of carbon monoxide on neuroprotection following cardiac arrest and extracorporeal resuscitation! Congratulations to Jakob and team for a superb study outlining the potential of CO in the American Journal of Physiology!”

